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11/15/17 12:42 PM

#130572 RE: Fireman02360 #130569

It's quite simple. The PR firm, as far as I can see, has never put out any kind of results of the Australian trial or the progress of the patients featured in the Australian media. I'm far too familiar, having spent 30 years in C suites, with the litigious bottom feeders but Anavex would simply be restating facts from the Australian media.
With the increasing incidence of AD on a worldwide basis, it would make sense that, at least, medical writers would start to pick this up. At the present time it appears that the only people who know the real story are on message boards and until some of the information that we know gets to the general public, Anavex will wallow in the sights of the shorts.
This is just another shortcoming of our management.