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11/10/17 9:17 AM

#42410 RE: Johnny_C #42407

But but but...the trial was finally almost here!
And this was a slam dunk WIN!!!
Or so we've heard...

With allegedly PROVABLE damages of 4 million....
Even without the punitive damages....
Which we were told this case was a "poster child" for!!!

Why settle for half of what you can allegedly PROVE your damages were?
That's like getting run over by a drunk and having medical bills of 4 million
but settling for 2 million on the courthouse steps.

HOW on earth did that moron make it into, let alone through, an "Ivy League" school?
How pathetic can you get???

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11/21/17 3:49 PM

#42648 RE: Johnny_C #42407

"Wonder what the confidential part is. Lol"
The first trial balloon of the premise that there was something confidential in the settlement, floated the day of its announcement (11/10).

I guess it's official...your engagement by TAUG was over by then. Obviously you felt that this didn't apply to you from the gitgo:

Tauriga and the defendants agreed to exchange general releases of all claims against the other as part of the Settlement Agreement, including any potential derivative actions, and to avoid any future public comments on the Action, unless required by law.

So when exactly did you become an ex-consultant?