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11/07/17 3:54 PM

#8060 RE: jhnvtjll #8058

Agreed. Have a feeling something besides the next Q is coming soon! Those others maybe werent or arent the best fits for the company I guess. Will do some more digging but I wouldn't mind more before anything haps anyways so quiet is ok for a tish longer lol. Either or works lol.

The way I see it ceo has kept the company in good standing being fully reporting and current for a reason. I also think even though its been quiet for months now that the CEO has been doing an outstanding job keeping the SS in tact completely here over this time. Its a perfecttt vehicle with a cheap pps tag on it now imo! Market cap is peanuts. I bet the next company move/s equal our wake up call here..with bigtime potential out of nowhere!

Id bet will have much better communication when ball gets rolling as well. I really don't care if is Gents or a new entity they acquire honestly. Or any other moves. Because with how beautiful this pubco is sitting based on the key factors here I think any solid company moves would send this skyrocketing at the blink of an eye! Almost a no brainer that it will when anything good hits. Waiting is never fun but again I just think of where its sitting now and the vehicle itself being a gem in the rough. It is key to look at things LFAP has going for it like having almost no debt, ZERO toxicity, Tiny 25m OS, fully reporting status with the SEC, and a CEO with a major background with Sony etc. Now just need them to make it happen! Have a PERFECT vehicle and setup for M and A activity to come into this and make shareholders happy QUICKlike imo. Then the masses take notice quicklike as well imo. Lets hope its soon!!!