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11/05/17 6:35 PM

#48741 RE: Alleyba1 #48738

Simple, there has been no new news worth reporting. The IFUS CEO has never one to PR fluff-BS like most penny stock CEOs. Its a waste of company money. When he has news that is significant enough to move the stock he will PR it. When there is enough revenue and profit to move the stock he will PR it.

The CEO has never used shareholder money to "Bail HIMSELF out". He may have used some to help save the company at times, and maybe to build the bagging line, along with using most of his after tax personal earnings doing a second job the last several years, while the lawsuits dragged out....He has not printed shares or increased the share structure since 2010. It has cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight the lawsuits. Where do you think that money came from? What do think he could have done with that money by now if it had not been for the endless ultra expensive lawsuit games used to try and break the company? What do think IFUS sales would have been had the lawsuits never happened? It has not even been more than about 10-12 weeks since the last lawsuit drained the treasury in legal fees again.

As far as I am concerned the clock has barely started running since IFUS was free and clear of suits, and could focus efforts and any money on sales and marketing. Would you rather the CEO pay back loans to shareholders, or spend what small amounts of revenue/profit there is to fund marketing and sales efforts to get a feed lot to switch to the IFUS cattle feed.

The first one is always the hardest!!!! I know from experience!!! I made my living on straight commission sales during the 80s depression when oil crashed, so I know how hard it is to sell. This stock was dead in 2011-12 with no information, no online distributors, no PRs, nothing. It looked 100% dead, but came out swinging in 2013, ran .0006 to .043. The company has even better prospects with the bagging line now than it did in 2013 pre lawsuits.

I am not in favor of his doing BS-Fluff PR pump-n-dumps and neither are most of the long positions, and they would not move the stock anyway. Those are scams that only lead to lower prices over time and kill a stock.....been there too many times. How many penny stocks have you seen survive and rally from a low .0006 to .043 with no financials in 7 years, and multiple-BS lawsuits dragging out that end with the company winning and the stock stays 1000% over the all time 2012 low, with a .0060 4 year average, and does it with out P-n-Dumper fluff PRs?

One needs to have enough extra money to pay back a loan, to pay it back.

Had IFUS lost the lawsuit, the stock would be worthless, no matter how many feed lots the CEO had scored.