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11/04/17 6:10 PM

#134026 RE: joshuaeyu #134023

So Josh you sound frustrated, and for good reason. Same question to you:
Why did the shareprice crash in a couple of days on massive volume, following the OH and no other news. This was quite unusual and unexpected. Why did not the CEO do what CEO's of public companies routinely do, make a statement that they have do not know of any reason that would happen, or conversely if they do know, comment on it. In other words, give assurance that there is no internal issue that caused it. These are Li's LQMT stockholders getting punched. Show some leadership, rather than silence in the face of a major crash in the stock.


11/04/17 6:26 PM

#134030 RE: joshuaeyu #134023

“300 million dollar market cap with zero revenue and zero contracts”

Yes and we lost almost 50 percent in 2 days.

Dreams need to be fulfilled with contracts, otherwise the market will increasingly show less patience and our market cap will take another 50 percent beating!

I’ve been saying from the beginning that the OH with no contracts would be greeted with a mass exodus.

Well here we are today in fulfillment of the prophecy.

Investors are still nervous from the Steipp era dilution and non performance, and patience is thin.

If Li does not establish a substantial contract by end of year, expect another exodus by beginning of January!


11/04/17 8:30 PM

#134043 RE: joshuaeyu #134023

Thank you Josh. Nice clear visual on the probability of APPLE having MAJOR “ interests” in the future of LQMT.
“Apple is backing LQMT and Li, like a parent backs a child.”
All the LQMT lovers /AAPL haters need dump your piece of Android in the trash and go directly to your cellular carrier and get a real phone. And don’t tell me your piece of android can do what the new iPhones can because, point blank , your samdung can’t. The Best Buy the best. APPLE is rumored to be, again , releasing 3more new models of the iPhone next year. That’s 2018 for the ultra -slow who are still loving their galaxy5S.
3 more more Apple iPhones in 2018? Hmmm
Are the iPhone 8, 8S and X just a mass produced prototype APPLE test run for the next Elite (and relatively more and more expensive ) models ahead?
Interesting to think that largest mass production test run *{iPhone X} has APPLE using common materials as a bluff ? Could it be a test run on production volume logistics? Get all the JVs in line for an exclusive and expensive ELITE double to triple production of current iPhone X?
I see it like this; until the inevitable coupe , Apple’s Tim Cook is the president and LQMTs CEO Billionaire is a high ranked General.
CE is business WAR.
The battle continues.