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10/29/17 9:27 AM

#127181 RE: falconer66a #127177

I agree. I forget to include these possible therapeutic signals, they give 2-73 commercial potential as well. The Phase 2/3 will no doubt include these as end points and will hopefully prove out.
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10/29/17 9:47 AM

#127182 RE: falconer66a #127177

Like the deeep thinking..

Humanity Disruptor
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10/29/17 10:24 AM

#127185 RE: falconer66a #127177

Great post
Thank you
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10/29/17 10:52 AM

#127195 RE: falconer66a #127177

Excellent post. Improving sleep would definitely be something that Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers could both benefit from.

I particularly like your last paragraph. I probably need to add a statement like that to all of my posts as well.

Just because I post things which might seem to be negative does not mean that anyone should use them as a basis to sell Anavex stock that they own and for goodness sakes never short any stock if you don’t use something to protect against a huge price surge. Imagine being short and some sort of partnership is announced. You can lose MORE than the amount you have invested! Don’t do it.

I think you might enjoy reading the rest of the following link if you have not already read it. (Very in-depth and loaded with jargon)

I thought the following quote was very intriguing especially since this is an ‘Australian” trial.

“We have to mention one more time about the recent genetic study, which has discovered a tight association between Sig-1R gene mutations and FTLD-MND [29]. This finding provides enormous implication of Sig-1Rs in the pathophysiology of human neurodegenerative disorders. The study found that, among a particular Australian pedigree (Aus-14), carriers of mutations at the UTR of the Sig-1R gene all suffer from FTLD, indicating the mutations may serve as a specific marker for a prediction of FTLD. Importantly, mutations that either increase or decrease the transcription of Sig-1Rs can both cause neuronal damages by inducing inclusion bodies composed of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins in vitro. The specific brains regions and some motor neuron subcomponents appear to need to set the Sig-1R level within a precise range to cope with misfolded proteins. Since some other causal mutations of FTLD have been discovered (e.g., proglanulin, VPC)[29], the mutations of the Sig-1R gene may not be, however, always necessary for the onset of FTLD. These causal mutations and others related to neurodegenerative disorders phenotypically similar to FTLD (i.e., ALS) are all known to lead to dysregulation of protein sorting and degradation that often cause the ER dysfunction. The unexpected convergence in the concept of the Sig-1R derived from this clinical study (i.e., the gene study of FTLD) and from basic studies (e.g., the identification of the Sig-1R as an ER chaperone) now begins to elucidate a clear picture of the pathophysiological implication of Sig-1Rs in human diseases.”!po=51.0309
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11/06/18 12:04 PM

#171140 RE: falconer66a #127177

Link back to falconer's post on sleep, repeated below:

falconer66a Sunday, 10/29/17 09:00:01 AM
Re: None 0
Post # 127177 of 171139

The Lost Sleep Factor

Just heard an NPR broadcast interviewing a sleep expert, who said evidence continues to support lack of sleep, inability to sleep well in middle age as a major cause of ensuing Alzheimer’s. Sound sleep induces waste protein (beta-amyloid, et al.) removal from nerves and neurons.

In relation to Anavex 2-73 (which wasn’t mentioned), the drug’s ability to induce strong, healthful sleep, before any Alzheimer’s symptoms begin, may be a major eventual use for the drug. Universal restoration or induction of good sleep in the Australian Alzheimer's patients in the Phase 1/2 study there is significant.

Here’s the scenario (mine). Anavex 2-73 gets approved to treat mid to mild level Alzheimer’s patients, a result of the big Phase 3 study soon to start. Better than anything on the market, it works for most, either stabilizing at-the-start cognition, or actually improves it.

Of course, families then will be bringing to their doctors older, or even middle-aged family members just starting to lose memory. Physicians recognize these behaviors as those seen at the start of Alzheimer’s, and, for the first time, they have a drug they can prescribe. So they start prescribing Anavex 2-73 at the earliest signs of the disease — with high rates of success.

And, with this, they find those people start to sleep well once again. They don't go on to dementia.

The correlation, connection, even cause of Alzheimer’s with early sleep lose or poor quality becomes well known. Finally (perhaps quickly), physicians then start prescribing the drug as a sleep loss prophylactic, knowing that chronic sleep loss or poor quality sleep is a strong predictor or cause of eventual Alzheimer’s. Get to it early, and results are better (perhaps 100%).

Finally, because it has virtually no side effects of concern, Anavex 2-73 becomes a drug prescribed, even mandated for all middle aged people. Health insurance companies quickly recognize that daily consumption of 50mg of Anavex 2-73 reduces the chances of Alzheimer’s by, say, 75%. Everyone in their health insurance plans is required to take the drug, before any symptoms appear.

Consequently, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis cases plummet. Health insurance rates are markedly reduced. People lead longer, more productive (health care insurance paying) lives. Medicare costs plummet. Everyone (except nursing homes) benefits.

Think this to be overly optimistic? Do your own look-up of “Alzheimer’s, poor sleep.”

Then, for now, just for fun, figure out a likely range of corporate revenues if every candidate American popped a Anavex 2-73 pill every day. Presently, there are about 40 million age 50 or older. Add in Europeans and others in developed countries around the world, and the number must approach or exceed 100 million. And for the foreseeable future, that number will grow each year.

Anavex 2-73 has the chance to be the best ever, all-win drug.

[This author advises that his postings should not be used to prompt any AVXL buy or sell decision. Anavex Life Sciences Corp is presently a small, no-revenues, no-product start up pharmaceutical. It may have a great future, as its science is unique and effective. But, of course, never put at risk any non-discretionary funds.]