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10/22/17 2:41 PM

#132661 RE: rige #132659

Those that scared investors away or tried to, just to allow them to buy more cheap shares for a longer period....well, I hope in future years, KARMA will give them a good kick in the butt.


10/22/17 3:00 PM

#132662 RE: rige #132659

All things happen at their own pace.

Previous management had a dream, but they lacked the financing and/ or wherewithal to do what Li has done in a year.

If I had been 'burned' by this stock, then chances are I would not have waited around for the page to turn. I would have closed the book a long time ago.

So it's a personal note of appreciation for being dissuaded from buying sooner.

My money would not have helped management accomplish what they were not capable of.

As an observer I've maintained a third party view of the struggles of this company, and that has given me the clarity of vision to recognize what is about to happen to this stock.

I broke my investment rule on this company, I recently told family members that they need to buy this stock. For me, that represents a certainty that is unparalleled in my history as an investor. I would not have done so 5 years ago, I wouldn't have done it a year ago.

I have watched and I understand. For the past year a revenue machine has been quietly assembled. Beyond the money that Li put into LQMT, he has invested or caused to be invested many more millions elsewhere.

Again, invested to quietly assemble a revenue machine. And again, something that was beyond the scope and ability of previous management.

No crazy promise's stock beating of the chest to say "look at me".

This isn't ego, this cold reality. From a man who doesn't seem to need to see his name in print. A man with a plan that few seem to grasp.

On the afternoon of the OH, someone went into the market and burnt the shorters and daytraders...awesome move. We now have a stable stock held mostly by people with a long term view. That means liquidity will dry up
as smart shareholders 'hold'.

That's the pressure that will drive us to a NASDAQ price, much sooner than many think possible.