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10/22/17 11:41 AM

#17179 RE: BOREALIS #17165

Thanks I needed that, we do not have a President, we have a spoiled man-child, who doesn't care about America, or American's, who's only claim in life is that his father left him enough money to buy and sell expensive real estate in New York.

He is not very smart, but he is scrappy, never turn your back on him, he has no rules in life except to punish anyone who gets in his way. He has no vision, and can barely see one day, let alone lead a nation.

Putin does have a vision, to make Russia great again, and with Trump's help he is doing that. Putin is also looking to take down America, he does not need a plane, nor an army, all he needs is Trump in the White House, and some hackers on the internet. Trump is no match for Putin or anyone else in the World, he cannot even govern his White House staff.

His followers do not care about the flag, nor do they care about fallen American soldiers, if they did they would sit back for a day and actually honor the ones who have fallen, instead they follow Trump as he forgets to even call them by name, or even send a card, or make a call.

On a personnel note, Mary is fine from operation on gall bladder, just sore, I am just tired from trying to get too much done.