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10/20/17 4:04 PM

#99304 RE: osu78OnFire #99303

Why couldn't this have all been simple? Why couldn't we have gotten a brewery that wasn't having financial woes, didn't have a chairman (owner?) that Heineken wants gone and who is in financial/legal trouble?

But, anyhow, you could be correct about Heineken wanting to take over control of UB. Or perhaps not. We won't know until the time comes. Whenever that will be. :-(

And maybe we shouldn't even be concerned. Or, well, perhaps we should be. And, hey, what about shareholders of Heineken? Perhaps they might want to invest in NSAV and Tiger Hemp Beer if they learn of it? And I'm serious. But whatever we come up with it's just speculation. Again, why couldn't this deal with Mendocino Brewery have been simple? But, hey, perhaps it is simple and I'm over-thinking this and making a big deal out of nothing? Or maybe I'm not over-thinking this and making a big deal out of nothing and I should be concerned? Pisses me off, sometimes, with all the head-trips. Sorry... :-(