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10/19/17 4:51 PM

#128147 RE: Lebbe1 #128146

these are battles that should have been fought years ago...the war is almost over..

you will find out if you won or lost soon...

it is now, truly, finally time for patience...not stirring up the pot...

let it go
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10/19/17 6:39 PM

#128154 RE: Lebbe1 #128146

« I know well it’s a little late »

I’m not so sure about that. The past of this company is very telling, there were many occasions where many felt that the Company had reached a major milestone, only to be deceived by the next PRs...
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10/19/17 9:26 PM

#128159 RE: Lebbe1 #128146

Hi Lebbe,

I am hoping for a financing deal with Vietnam that will involve little or no dilution. That is a possibility. However, even if this PR would come, I doubt it will come before the deal is finally done with Vietnam. Therefore, IMHO, we may not hear anything regarding financing until we get the long awaited green light.

I have always said that it takes the Patience of Job to be invested in KBLB, and that is no lie.....
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10/20/17 4:19 AM

#128164 RE: Lebbe1 #128146

If and when Kim gets serious production off the ground in Vietnam, with a consistent quality of silk, that in itself will be an achievement worthy of note. The two major roadblocks right now are production and sales. I would expect that once Kim can start producing silk in Vietnam that the samples, sales, and even the publicity you seek will follow if and when the silk starts getting made into tangible end products. It took about 9 years for an established company to bring Kevlar to market, and even then, I think it was first used in racing tires. KBLB is nowhere near an established behemoth that the Kevlar giant was. Whether DragonSilk or MonsterSilk or the next silk KBLB tries to put out there will be as big as Kevlar or Nylon or Polyester we will not know until the silk actually starts being made in greater quantities so people besides WM, Uncle Sam, and the unknown medical supply company and start testing and playing with it. If KBLB silks are as good as Kim has been saying, the silk will sell itself and I am sure whoever starts putting it in their products will be promoting it as the first product to be made with DS or MS or whatever. We still have a long way to here before this company starts to achieve its real potential. I'm still waiting for that metric ton production capacity that Kim touted KBLB would have already been achieved by now. That goal timeline was missed by a moonshot, but maybe now he's closer than ever to finally being able to "ramp up" production of MS or DS or whatever he intends to make. Once the eggs start making the trans ocean trip things will hopefully get better. Hopefully we get confirmation of when that actually happens. This is truly going to be interesting to see what happens next. But until Kim can make and sell silk nobody is going to buy this. They will wait until Kim has paved the road, done all hard work, and figured this whole thing out and gotten through all the obstacles. Then it will be worth something to somebody else. We won't know what we don't know unless and until Kim can make enough silk to allow end products to be made. Nobody has been able to achieve major production of spidersilk in terms of quantity and in terms of making lots and lots of it so an end user can create lots of finished products with spidersilk. While achieving 100% pure spidersilk is the holy grail, mass production of a silk with spidersilk characteristics is more important right now. Nobody has achieved mass production yet to the point where somebody could a million ties or a million pairs of silk socks or whatever somebody is going to make with this stuff. So if Kim ever achieves his metric ton capacity goals, I believe it will be another first in the World. But until he does it, it is just a dream. But it appears he is a lot closer to achieving it now than years ago. I really can't wait to see what DS gets put into once people can actually buy it and make something with it. Mass production of DS or MS or whatever is in the pipeline needs to happen before things get really exciting. An advanced sale of silk, like a commitment to purchase x amount of DS, by some company any company would also be interesting. But I don't think you fly halfway around the World to try and get permission for two years to set up a silk factory unless you at least already know you have a company or companies that will buy your product. So let's hurry up and wait and see what happens. Still a long way to go, but interesting to see what happens next.