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10/18/17 8:05 PM

#132322 RE: handsomehank #132320

Great to know. Many thanks.


10/18/17 9:09 PM

#132332 RE: handsomehank #132320

BTW good to meet you handsome!

Watts Watt

10/18/17 9:40 PM

#132342 RE: handsomehank #132320

Thanks for the information, Hank.
Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet at the Open House.
We probably even sat in one of the classes together.

Watts Watt

10/19/17 12:44 PM

#132428 RE: handsomehank #132320

I really appreciate your response, which is accurate, and your support of Paul, whom I have supported all along. So many have tried to put him down under, possibly because he was first introduced by Steipp to be the closer for orders.

So, indeed, with two machines only finished being installed two weeks ago and the robotics, even at the show, were not up to speed for the LK machines (they were running at double the time, making for longer cycles because of the robotics)....

Yah, no, pretty hard to get someone to sign on the line for an order until the line is 100 per cent GO.

You understand that, I understand that, and so do the others who attended understand.

Like Professor Li told so many with a handshake, "A little patience please".

That's good enough for me, and far superior to "we are in the midst of shipping commercial parts" of the Team Steippers.

Let's enjoy WATT we have.


10/19/17 3:20 PM

#132445 RE: handsomehank #132320

Nope, one of his many pations is training and competing hunting retrievers and he was competing in a national competition that happens once a year. The OH was scheduled around Lugee’s schedule and not Paul’s as it should be and I was assured that Paul is still employed and in good steed with all. Contract announcements are imminent and I’m sure he has played an active role in that process.

Anyone think I could really let this one go? I tried to resist, but couldn't.

Believe me, I was more than guilty of letting the last Open House overwhelm some of the really important things, which was mostly that there were 4 customers that went "poof" and that there was nothing else going on, except a whole load of expenses and no sales. Seeing Visser's son there was interesting, though. He was like a sponge, but I guess he took on too much water.

Of course, I know this one was better - no doubt - and I'm not being a wise owl about that, but come on, we're big boys and girls. Paul Hauck chose a once-a-year dog show over a ONE-TIME Open House? He chose his dog, on a working weekday over meeting potential customers, shareholders who traveled long (holy crap, Berlin? - related to business or not) distances, and the chance to sell the Company and all the great things that are happening? And they say Steipp was a "dog and pony show" guy, but Paul Hauck - literally - is. I hope there were ponies there too. When you have a job where you are an Executive VP, you have a choice of a passion for a ONE-TIME EVENT - EVER or a passion for a once a year dog show...

Lugee's not going to carry deadwood and I'm sure Paul Hauck is making progress, but come on. I'm a little bothered that Lugee actually mentioned anything about iHub, but whatever. I'm sure it's just for entertainment, others filling him in and doing it on their own, not Company time, but if he had been reading it (or someone was filling him in on shareholders' thoughts), he knew there was a solid chance that Paul being there would bring out the question that many have decided to turn a blind eye too and simply stated it's, "Why?" I'll even take as an answer, "It's personal and none of your business," instead of just dodging it entirely for some dogs. I guess the dogs were more important. To be fair, I like dogs too, but I'm not an Executive VP nor would I choose that over the one chance to show face to shareholders and potential customers and show my excitement for my new wealthy, bright, CEO, who wants to prove the past is in the past.

Hey, I'll turn a blind eye to it, too, if he sold a good amount of goods this Q and next Q. He could sell as much of his own stuff as he wants as long as he sells a BIG multiple more of LQMT stuff. As shareholders, we all approved those options that were converted. We trusted they would be used as an incentive for production. Maybe this Q they'll bear out they were. Hope so.

Executive VP of Sales has GOT to be there. Any shareholder saying it's OK that he wasn't for such a huge event needs to re-think him not being there. He could go to the once-a-year "dog show" next year, but he decided that was more important? OK. Well, I'll take that back if they have an Open House every year. What's the chance they go to that expense to do this EVERY YEAR? Yes, I agree - FAT CHANCE.

Oh well, guess I'll have to check out at 2122. That's probably 2,122 too many. It ain't worth it anymore.

Kudos to those that reported back and glad you enjoyed the trip and got to meet each other. No one needs any questioning or negativity, better to just shut up. Besides, they're on the right path anyway. Hope it's sooner, rather than later, for everyone.

Punching out my iHub retirement ticket and riding off into the sunset; too long a ride.

Good luck to all.

Watts Watt

10/23/17 4:29 PM

#132747 RE: handsomehank #132320

I think the below link confirms some of the substance of your post.

As I recall, the focus of the Open House was for investors and to inform them and present them to the new facility, to demonstrate the capabilities of the new manufacturing (and, indeed, the striking changes in key management and employees over the past year) as attested to by representatives from Materion and Engel and L.K, to assure them to the attention to quality control and all of the steps having been fulfilled to make this plant production ready and also, in process of capacity ramp up if two more Engel 120's, which co-incidently, aligns with the only active molds currently on hand and in stock are dedicated to medical.

Joe Stevick gave an excellent presentation on the steps Liquidmetal has taken to meet all of the bio-compatibility issues of our material for the medical and dental arena. This is a milestone which is a definite plus concerning LM105.

Equally powerful was his realistic presentation of the steps that the manufacturer (not LQMT) must make to satisfy the demands of the FDA for approval. This can be a two to three year plus time frame.

This is not a negative, but a reality, and as investors, we can only deal with the here and now.

What is the good news, in my opinion, is that each of the up to 8 molds which have been prototyped for medical usage is that they were developed in the period which was previously discussed (and I believe that began at the end of 2014), which means that most likely, those "missing IFO's" have not been missing at all, for at least 8 or so of them have been prototyped and most likely in the last two years have been undergoing the time period which each customer must undergo for FDA approval.

So I believe it is possible for one or more of these up to 8 molds sitting at LF on the shelves to receive FDA approval within 2018 with production potentially beginning upon approval or shortly thereafter.

So, for this investor, I see the first arena mentioned to achieve revenues several years ago will, in fact, be medical.

The fact that we are adding two more Engel machines, underwrites the imminence of a tangible production order coming about in 2018. I also believe, while it is possible that four machines could in fact be dedicated to one part, I believe it is much more likely, considering the potential imminence of several parts being approved, that each machine could be dedicated to a single part for co-incidental runs in the plant.
Time will tell, but obviously the Engels could be dedicated in several part production configurations/allocations.

This is my independent assessment, but it may in fact jive with others that have been presented on this board.

The credibility to this assessment does of course rest upon what I gleaned at the OH last week.

I am very much trying to deal with the realities of the here and now. Remember, the future begins as soon as this post is published.

I am sure that Paul well deserves the R and R from LQMT to look after dogs that hunt. We need more dogs that hunt on this board.