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The Beef

10/18/17 5:26 PM

#156868 RE: 71chris71 #156867

Look at entb. That was at these levels for awhile then r/s. I see the same thing happening here. IMO.


10/18/17 8:43 PM

#156869 RE: 71chris71 #156867

BMSN yeah it takes 100 percent jump to move here, so hard to move off the bottom. But the lowly BMSN steering the boat with a nice chunk of the booty. imo glta BMSN

As of June 30, 2017 the Company has received capital contributions from Bio Matrix Scientific Group, Inc (“BMSN”) , a corporation under common control with the Company and which possesses the majority of the voting power of the shares outstanding of the company, totaling $728,658 and has issued 50,010,000 common shares to BMSN for aggregate consideration of $20,090.