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10/16/17 6:12 AM

#139001 RE: AVII77 #138967

You don't continue to enroll patients in a trial that has a very low likelyhood of being able to provide an answer to the question the trial was originally designed to address. Those patients have the expectation that their involvement will help others (not help NWBO shareholders). The requirement for appropriately designed and conducted trials is mandated by the declaration of Helsinki which governs clinical research on human subjects.

Your statement above is pure subjective opinion. Where do you get the 'very low likelihood of being able to provide the answer' bit? It appears to be your own creation and unsupported by any available evidence.
And as such, it does nothing to support your assertion about a futility rec.
You completely fail to even address the logical arguments that would indicate that a futility rec at that stage would have been extremely unlikely.

This is a myth. The MRI's are examined by a blinded endpoint committee. Sadly, some here have morphed this into "re-examined"

Yes, we know that the MRI's are examined by a blinded endpoint committee. That is how the original progression decisions would have been made.
However, the MRI's are being re-examined. The 6 Feb 2017 PR states as much.
The original progression decisions are being looked at again.
It doesn't matter if you object to the term 're-examined.'
It doesn't alter the fact that the MRI's are being reviewed.
Call it 'reviewed' or 'quality control checked' or 'adjudicated' if you prefer.
If you think that this is just routine quality control before data lock, then say so. The fact is they are being reviewed.
They are being looked at again.
Do you agree or are you continuing to deny something that has been definitively stated in the PR!

The Chair of the DMC resigned (perhaps siding with the FDA's view, perhaps in protest his rec was ignored, or perhaps he just retired)

You don't know he resigned. And yes, he probably just retired.
Again your suggestion that he may have resigned in protest at having his rec ignored is entirely your supposition, and is not supported by any available evidence.