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10/15/17 1:36 PM

#138897 RE: Virgilio #138858

This is a very interesting video, which I have not yet watched in full.
Dr Cobbs goes out on a limb and gets a bit political towards the end, describing some of the tactics employed by BP to resist cheaper competition.
Goes up in my estimation as a result!
Though I expect he might be losing his honorariums from BP..

On breast cancer:-

'There was a paper in the NY Times that showed aspirin actually was the best efficacy for breast cancer of anything, but there will never be a clinical trial looking at aspirin in breast cancer, because nobody wants to fund something that's not gonna make people rich.
And er, a generic drug; people start walking away when you talk about, there's something that might work that's generic... (ironic laughter)
It's kinda sad.'

Just in case anyone wondered why health costs are so high!!