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10/14/17 2:56 PM

#2728 RE: SuperFlyJackson #2723

T-Mobile opposition mentions some focus on Holly Saurer at FCC.

From the exparte of October 13 where T-Mobile acknowledges that spectrum is already licensed by the FCC footnote #23:

"That is part of the reason why, as T-Mobile has urged, the Commission should not grant the application submitted by FiberTower Corporation (“FiberTower”) and AT&T Mobility Spectrum, LLC (“AT&T”), with respect to the 650 FiberTower licenses the Commission has already cancelled." footnote #23

The submitter of the exparte goes on to state: "My telephone conference with Ms. Saurer was limited to this matter."

The FiberTower licenses may NOT have been mentioned then in the other meetings covered by this exparte, it seems to indicate to me.

Holly Saurer is a legal advisor to the chairman at the FCC, from what I can see in research - and she was appointed to that position by former Chairman Wheeler.