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10/13/17 5:19 PM

#114350 RE: WHELANer #114348

uhhhh, no thank you.
Our greatest hope is what Keith briefly mentioned in his interview...a relationship with one or all of the big pharma players to be a new wearable technology in their current products.
3M = Ace bandages
Bayer = Dr. Scholls
Pfizer = Advil (tens devices)
J&J = Tylenol, Therapatch thingy, etc...

So many. Even NIKE, Addidas, Under Armour clothing and shoe lines. So many companies to see...NO ABLE CEO to Git R Done. He is a (fill in the blank)

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10/13/17 5:50 PM

#114353 RE: WHELANer #114348

As I think back over the past decade (nearly), I struggle to find any indication that this CEO could actually ever Git r Done.
Ok so I get the FDA battle, we all know that history. But what about retailers? People say look at Boots. Well this CEO didn’t get Boots. Someone else got Boots. Ok so now that’s been that’s good. But what else? Not one single USA retailer relationship, not one big pharma relationship, not one Flea Market relationship. So the result is not one retail sale in USA since FDA.
WOW, and some on here want to DEFEND this sorry excuse for a CEO.
That’s crazy. The actual RESULTS have been horrendous from a shareholder POV. Nothing short of HORRENDOUS.
So looking forward (Feb 2017 onward)...what’s up?
We wait for the new guy, who is managed by this sorry excuse of a CEO. I sincerely look forward to being pleasantly surprised by Keith and his enthusiasm, but based on past results I think we’re in for a long hard winter at BIEL.
Now replace CEO and I say we got something here ready for the big leagues. Keep CEO and he only wants to run a company as large as his ego can hold onto. He’s down to that size now with 1 VP sales, 1 Phd, 1 engineer, etc. he can manage that alone. Anyone on This message board of big thinkers and great minds could be a better CEO than what we have now. This ain’t funny anymore. It’s SICK!

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10/14/17 9:43 AM

#114377 RE: WHELANer #114348

More predictions on the immanent demise of BIEL. Been hearing it for the last 7 years and yet BIEL is still in business and moving closer to the finish line.

There have been lots of negative predictions about BIEL over the years:

"BIEL will go BK" ...... Wrong, Didn't Happen

"BIEL will never get FDA Clearance" ..... Wrong, 2/3/2017

"BIEL will never get OTC Clearance" ..... Wrong, 2/3/2017

"FDA will never grant BIEL Clearance with an open SEC Administrative Proceeding" .... Wrong, 2/3/2017

"BIEL does not have a Predicate Device" ..... Wrong, BIEL used 3 Predicate Devices for their successful FDA 510K Application K152432

"BIEL will have to use De Novo or PMA to gain FDA Clearance" .... Wrong, Didn't Happen

"BIEL will do a massive 1000 to 1 RS" ...... Wrong, Didn't Happen

"SEC Administrative Proceeding will halt trading" ..... Wrong, Didn't Happen

"BIEL will never be on chain store shelves" .... Wrong, Boots/Walgreens, Lloyds, Superdrug, ect

"BIEL will never partner with a major company" ..... Wrong, B.Braun

"BIEL's FDA Product Category will never be Reclassified" .... Wrong, 10/13/2015 BIEL's product category Reclassified from Class 3 to Class 2 allowing less regulation and paving the way for 510K and OTC Clearance

The reoccurring theme seems to be "Wrong".