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10/13/17 5:31 PM

#124553 RE: Turner2017 #124547

Not Counting on Near-term Price Run

I, too, would think that announcement of the start of any of the three upcoming clinical trials would prompt some new, high-price share trades.

But that could have been imagined for the recent release of the PK/PD data, too.

Results of that? Inconsequential for the AVXL share price.

It's becoming ever clearer that The Street, general retail equity investors and their brokerages, know little of the Anavex story, and don't care to learn of it. Simply, Anavex Life Sciences Corp is not on many stock radar screens. When first looked at, new potential AVXL buyers see that the company is (to them, inaccurately) a typical startup pharmaceutical, with no revenues or products to sell. The record for these sorts of companies ever attaining commercial viability is poor. No apparent reason this would be any different.

In fact, the company is trying to solve central nervous system diseases that none of the Pharma Biggies have ever been able conquer, after several decades and billions of dollars of trying. What? Anavex thinks they can solve the treatment problems of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and some unknown (to them) Rett syndrome? Get real. So, it was just announced they are starting three new clinical trials for their drug candidate. So what? You'd be utterly stupid to commit funds to such a company. Far greater opportunities elsewhere. Tell me about Anavex when they start selling their drug. Not holding my breath. Not likely to happen.

Such are the prevailing on The Street views of the company. Hope I'm wrong. But I'm not anticipating anything of share price note until FDA actually approves Anavex 2-73 for something, sometime next year.

Until general reporters and news writers start putting up Anavex stories on section front pages, not in newspaper health or investment columns, the record shows there will be no general excitement about the company. Positive clinical results have the potential of prompting such stories. If a bunch of little girls with Rett syndrome stop having seizures and have markedly improved motor neuron control, that will turn into a printable human interest story. If Anavex 2-73 stops Parkinson's tremors in the new trial, that, too, will be reported.

With any of that, the Anavex story attains validity and importance. Until then, everything will be ho-hum, regardless. Positive clinical results likely to be the only thing to elevate AVXL share prices more than a few dollars.