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10/10/17 11:39 AM

#61487 RE: Macod #61467

I'm certainly of the same mindset here. Years long. While some might have that OW## 2.0 thoughts in their head that did in fact make a very lucky few a LOT of money, there were many many more that bought in to the hype and lost big time. (And that stock is a QB) Same with many other recent 2017 stocks that spike and crash.

AMFE is different and needs to be thought of as such. Longs are not in it for a spike and crash, though as you stated, many investors will get out on the next leg up and think they did well, scurry off to the next 'Yuge' pink and lose half of it back or worse.

Rome was not built in a day, but AMFE is really pushing the limits of aggression while maintaining control and fiscal responsibility. Over the next few years, those who stay in will be rewarded incredibly well, and the risk is less than most NASDAQ stocks I see.

Years down the road, maybe 5-8 years out, annual dividends will come. Imagine in 6 years, getting $.30 a year on every share you own now, bought less than $.20? Even owning 100k shares, will give a great income. Yes, everyone has a different need and timeline that suits their needs, but this is where I'm looking.

All will come soon enough, the uplist is the first major step in that process. The pinks simply can't handle anything over $.10 very well. Pink investors just looking for the sub penny to multi pennies overnight, the gamblers mindset. The folks looking to evaluate and invest in this stock will change soon, and a higher quality of investor will join the AMFE experience.

I strongly believe where this is going, this churn is nothing to me, pinks suck, that is all there is too it. Our stronger and stronger fundamentals will build value, and the uplist will build the investor base. The pps will follow.

Years long,

Buy, Hold, Buy More, Hold
