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09/27/17 12:48 PM

#489280 RE: Theoaktree2017 #489276

Por 7 was gonna pass even without shareholder's approval.


09/27/17 3:20 PM

#489297 RE: Theoaktree2017 #489276

hahahahaha thats funny knowing that the APR Actually made the PIERs fight look to be a joke and of course you as a new kommer couldnt know such thing as the APR was the Law of the Case till the GReedy Prefereds decided to give a chance to the Common Shareholders and of course Judge Decided for them to be Equity.

Ps Just so you know those GReedy Prefereds in their Creation fillings had the Clausole that if they would miss more than four Quarters Dividents they could be changed and dilute the Shares of the WAMU Commons.Of course you didnt know this but yes you know to call the greedy Prefereds shareholders but forget the By Laws of the WAMU Company done while everything in Normal Days of theirs.Preferds could be changed to Commons anytime they wanted after the Prefereds didnt get four Quarters their dividents.Case closed please as we all tired of the BSh fight Prefereds vs Commons all together part of the Equity class.