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09/22/17 4:52 PM

#121372 RE: rocalinda #121370

A company may have a better mouse trap and it might be cheaper and sexier than the competition but they still may not reap any rewards. The power of the Market isn’t forced to agree by any means. Look at Uber right now in London. They are losing their license due to the power of the Cab Union over there pressuring City Politics. Nothing is in stone until it is.

Even if the P2/3 goes better than expected and gets BTD and AA and everything under the Sun, some genetic company can say they found the switch for all the maladies in the human body and everybody’s out. BP can throw wrenches in many directions to protect their piece of the pie. It’s a long bumpy road when you’re doing the driving. We’re in the cheap seats and don’t see, feel or really know what’s ahead.

At this point given the givens, I’m still comfortable being in this. The head guy at the FDA would have a much easier time implementing his 21st CCA protocols and almost certainly secure his unquestioned tenure if 2-73 gets approved. With nothing to back it up except a feeling, the similarities between the Cures Act and Anavex’s protocols, I think the fix is in. If, and it’s a big if, 300 Australians and who knows how many other people around the World react the same way our 25 P2A gang did down under.


As far as listening to other board chatter, you have to do your due diligence on them as you would on the investment. Falconer has always said he has a very small position here and not to use his posts as a reason to buy this Company's stock. The other possibility is Dado was criticized by Fudsters since he represents an ongoing threat to their derision. Either way he shouldn't pay any attention or lose a wink of sleep over any attacks that come from an anonymous message board where no one's real agenda is known.

Dadof, if you like, I can sell you some Message Board conscience insurance. It’s very expensive and guaranteed to make you feel better but has no track record of paying off when the chips are down. haha