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09/22/17 1:32 PM

#87167 RE: BadgerRed #87164

Sorry , wrong board! Ignore!!! br

watchful eye 33

09/22/17 2:48 PM

#87169 RE: BadgerRed #87164

Simply observing what is and is not happening around me my friend. There are people who see the world and then there are people whom simply live on it. These guys are good. But I think I'm on to something here with Vert. Too many bread crumbs and incredible digging by my fellow investors. Thank you by the way. We shall see where this takes us. I'm betting on an early retirement.

We all need to do the DD that is all around us. So much information has been uncovered over the past year and a half. Many overlaps in executives, companies, Verts having their hands everywhere. Then we see the services provided by these same companies and how they compliment one another. If combined they have the potential of building a behemoth. I suggest take a look. It is not difficult to find the bread crumbs. Then we can come to our own conclusion and trade accordingly. Doing the DD makes investment decisions much easier.

All my posts are merely speculation and entertainment. But they do get the wheels turning. I think I will win my ChessMatch.

Still no dumps next door!!!

My ChessMatch and My money are on the potential on line one stop shop Behemoth. But that is me. Call me crazy!!!

Do the DD!!! Let's hope I'm not the only crazy one up in here my friends.

I'm betting on the potential Behemoth Baby!!!