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09/21/17 9:10 AM

#129611 RE: PayMEmf #129608


Question:Center daily news revealed the company products of the company into the nvidia supply chain, to chairman secretary, the company currently offer nvidia what liquid metal material products?


09/21/17 9:18 AM

#129616 RE: PayMEmf #129608

????7826 ? ????(300328) ???????:??????????????????,????????????,??????????
2017?09?14? 16:31
300328 ????
????? ????7826: ??!????????????????????????????????????,?????????????!
2017?09?19? 15:04

Bing Translator.
Browse user-7826 Asked Yi ' an technology (300328) disclosed in the annual report of the company: this year there are two project import and production of the liquid metal in the box, I ask the two box project for mass production yet, supplying mobile phones on the market yet?
September 14, 2017 16:31
?? 300328 Yi ' an technology?
Yi ' an technology Answer browser 7826: Hello! Thank you for your company's attention. Company annual report disclosure of liquid metal in the box items have a delivery of mobile phones already on the market, and an ongoing trial. Thank you!
15:04 September 19, 2017?

Google Translator.
?Visit the user 7826 asked the security technology (300328) company annual report disclosed: this year there are two liquid metal box project into the production and production, I would like to ask two production projects in the box did not, the supply of mobile phone market did not?
September 14, 2017 September 16:31
?? 300328 Yian Technology?
Yi An Technology to visit users 7826 : Hello! Thank you for your interest in the company. The company's annual report disclosed in the liquid metal box project has a supply of mobile phones have been listed, another is ongoing trial production. Thank you!
September 1917, September 15, 1917?

Long LQMT Translator.