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09/20/17 2:24 AM

#27624 RE: piratica #27623

Potential catalysts imho - good and bad

1. Wifi one (if ruled on prior to CAFC ruling here) if in favor of wifi one should have a major impact here given the real party in interest issue - if ruled against, it wouldn't really impact much as nothing is priced in and there is no real effect on WDDD. Oil States is also important but the CAFC will rule here well in advance of Scotus ruling on that one next year

2. Dilution as per the 10Q - will happen - contrary to many arguing against it here. The 10Q states it in black and white, and the company has to pay their CAFC lawyers (not even addressing the notes in default)- they have 84k in cash, they will have to dilute - short term it will hurt

3. Judge selection, if mayer or wallach, or both, or any anti patent judges are on the panel for this case it will hurt, risk goes up and you know 'patent swing trader' will dump more lol - you can google search for anti patent cafc judges to see who they are. That being said, if none of them are on the panel it would be a minor positive, but claim materiality still takes precedence and as I have said, the market is saying the remaining claims are not material given the share price.

4. Then finally, the ruling by the cafc - if they bring claims back, the stock and market will react positively, if nothing more and no change I doubt the stock will move much

In reality, the big short term risk is dilution, the market isn't valuing the patents at much more than zero at this stage