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09/19/17 10:35 PM

#126693 RE: stockmasterflash #126664

Thanks for IGNT, VIZC, WWIO. I hope others submit tickers that I missed.

IGNT deregistered in 2008. It looks like their 10Q/A's may have been to satisfy questionable 10Q's filed before they deregistered. Comments from one of our board Guru's would help to clarify.

I'll be sure to add VIZC and WWIO on my next edit....THANKS!!!!


09/20/17 2:59 AM

#126704 RE: stockmasterflash #126664

Hay SMF, if'n you ever gett scent of the next SCOTT SAND scam, make shure to PM me or at least do a reply to one of my posts on the DD Bored and lemmeknowboutit. Ima yer DaManOnnaGrownd for bird dogging CONvicted FELON SCOTT SAND.

Lemme be yer Jim Rockfish. Or Mike Maddox. Or Barnabus Jones. No, wait ... Banacek. Yeah, that's it.

I've taken a speshull innerest in SCOTT SAND.