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09/21/06 12:41 PM

#2401 RE: hopingforagain #2400

You people don't get it.

Michelle Thomas had nothing to do with creating or selling that product. That distinction goes to Victor Mason.

As mentioned in the article, this was a 2-person company - one of whom was NOT Michelle Thomas.

At some point, this little venture in Washington was sold to a group of investors (unknown yet who, but it may be possible to find out later), and Victor Mason moved to AZ to get into the fraudulent 3rd party auto leasing business.

At what point Victor Mason and Michelle Thomas connected is unknown - but in addition to jointly starting the new "Sports Concepts Inc." in AZ this past March, they are also jointly involved in another venture related to "Liberty League International", an MLM operation, whose founders were recently hit with a $115,000 fine by the State of AZ for some unsavory business practices.

Knowing that Victor's "Take Over Auto Payments" venture was a main sponsor of Zig's TV show, it is apparent that Vic and Zig's business relationship pre-dates any formation of AZ's iteration of "Sport's Concepts, Inc.", but you have to hand it to them both for being creative with what they had to work with.

Bottom line: Their behaviour has been, and is, criminal - (they have lied in Press Releases with statements of fact - in addition to all the well known misleading future plans that never were consumated), but unfortunately they are such small potatoes that they probably will continue to get away with it.

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09/21/06 2:52 PM

#2404 RE: hopingforagain #2400

too funny:) lmao