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09/19/17 9:07 AM

#11793 RE: ROLL DEM DICE #11779

Good morning 'go for the money' ;) your participation from my screen is fully appreciated and as far as holdings, I have quite a bit as well. I'll admit, the odds are the same to me with SOUPQ as any other OTC play. Actually, as has been interpreted by the email and the BK amedements, the odds are better in my view... This is not in Ihub pumping and dumping mentalities, it is in the hands of a federally governed trustee. Good luck in your decisions and I'm holding my fair share as well. The brad crumbs of all the details look good to hold for me. I really wish we could hear from Jeffrey freedman. I'll be trying more and more lol have a great day! I understand about posts, don't feel obligated to respond, lol I get it - i bought a subscription to merely learn what I already knew... Ihub / OTC game land is not for me... I'm stayinin with SOUPQ! ;) gl!


09/19/17 7:22 PM

#12152 RE: ROLL DEM DICE #11779

After reading this it all makes sense wrt Havana email response . Did the market over react to your email without knowing or reading what was the initial emailed question from your side ?


09/20/17 10:19 AM

#12269 RE: ROLL DEM DICE #11779

If anyone STILL-thinks iHUB doesn't-have any-influence on pps

you just dispelled THAT theory. lol

It was what-lawyers-call EXCULPATORY evidence.

You had an obligation to reveal it.

You can now number yourself among the "honorable" stock traders on the OTC. Here's the list:
