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09/17/17 10:12 PM

#6240 RE: Homebrew #6239

Look at the facts. What we know of Schneider is he's been seriously reprimanded to the point of having to leave his profession. For why? for co mingling his money with clients ESCROW money using their ESCROW money as his personal piggy bank. I wouldnt want to do business with him. Bitcoin Services offer ESCROW services to HOLD your money so you can buy Bitcoin.. If someone is bright enough to buy Bitcoin, why do they need this guy who has a track Record for stealing peoples investments. What am I missing here?

3 Years ago Schneider wore every hat there was running MJMJ, CEO CFO CRO CIO chief bottle washer, HEAD weed inspector, you cant have 12 different strains in your wake and bake breakfast bar without stringent testing. And who funded his ventures of developing a couple of bed n breakfast shanties. Shareholders who bought shares of his spin. Their return of investment ROI, ZERO, they got roached.

Just like now. Its happening all over again. BTSC doesnt have any operations outside of a fancy website that was put together by Senator McBrain. Its all double talk that doesnt amount to much. Schneider used the public to fund his pot houses, lobster dinners champagne lifestyle, 2 Teslas a bakers dozen of horses on a ranch he flys roo in his helicopter and implants for the Mrs. and NOW that MJMJ's $14.00-.00001 well has dried up, BTSCam is born. How much weed does Schneider smoke up in his afternoon hookah with the unsuspecting?

I feel sorry for his clients at these places, he gets them all doped up, then bombards them with his ESCROW Bitcoin pitch and if they're really big donors, the Mrs bakes special cookies... BOOM! What did the authorized jump too recently? How many additional MILLIONS authorized? He ran MJMJ into the ground, BTSC is next

Huggy Bear

09/18/17 12:28 PM

#6249 RE: Homebrew #6239

I'm thinking this may be the next bitcoin scam to hit enforcement.