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09/17/17 12:46 AM

#120554 RE: jimmy667 #120503

Jimmy thanks for your reply, and these were the upcoming presentations that I was thinking of:

Rocalinda posted the first link re Neuroscience 2017 conference in New York re Rett efficacy:



And lastly, this 3rd link is not a presentation by Anavex in October 2017, but rather by Dr Francardo and she will discuss a2-73:

see the 2017 Speakers tab on this page for the Parkinson's Disease Therapeutics Conference on Oct 30, 2017:

(Posted by Mikesc on 8/20/17)

"Veronica Francardo, PhD
Lund University
ANAVEX 2-73, a clinical Alzheimer drug candidate, induces neurorestoration in experimental parkinsonism"

And lastly I thought I remembered a May 24, 2018 upcoming conference abstract from Spain that the board found a few weeks back, also by Dr Veronica Francardo, the PD researcher affiliated with the MJF Foundation, in which the below copy/pasted excerpt was derived (but now I can't find a link to a May 2018 abstract):

"Using the same animal model of PD as in our previous study (i.e. intrastriatal 6-OHDA mouse model), we investigated the potential neurorestorative effects of ANAVEX 2-73, a compound with activity at both Sigma-1 and muscarinic receptors that is currently being tested in people affected by Alzheimer´s disease. Our results reveal that ANAVEX 2-73 is able to ameliorate parkinsonian motor symptoms in tests assessing spontaneous rotational activity and forelimb use asymmetry, and exerts neuroprotective/neurorestorative effects on the nigrostriatal dopamine system."

Here's her bio:
Veronica Francardo, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Experimental Medical Science BMC F11 at Lund University
Location: Lund, Sweden