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09/14/17 1:49 AM

#120128 RE: tradeherpete #120126

Eh we have those 5 weeks, they were right at the beginning.


09/14/17 4:39 AM

#120134 RE: tradeherpete #120126

What we need is a realistic and representative trial size, like Missling has said, eg n=300. Replicate the same results and you will have everyone's attention.


09/14/17 5:51 AM

#120138 RE: tradeherpete #120126

You are right in saying "If any BP came out and said we have a drug that creates homeostasis the news would be filled with Irma/Harvey type press releases gushing about the possibilities and hopes for millions of patients. The din would not stop. "

The reason being - credibility.
What credibility AVXL has? Practically zero. There is no track record and no other trial except this 32 patient trial.

Even BP carry trials with 100s and 1000s patient trial to prove efficacy for non-orphan drug. In fact they carry 500 + patient trial for cancers.

AVXL should follow that path - not just keep talking for last 9 months about starting a trial - just file the papers are show that they are serious in starting the trial soon.


09/14/17 8:32 AM

#120146 RE: tradeherpete #120126

Trader, I think you have explained the AVXL position well. We know how pissed he was b/c he had to spend time/money on the phony legal action last year.

Oh, I remember now, the last time we released timely data the share price did go up and we got sued because…wait for it… it went back DOWN again. Let’s see. Who’s in charge of making the red candles around here?

Never Again.

He is simply picking his time and place for battle. He has very limited resources which will be easily/quickly over run defending any claims he makes. He must use other strategies, IMO the FDA holds the key, and they move at their own speed. We shall see, they will come to us.

Musashi, A famous Samurai warrior (who never lost a fight) is quoted to say, " The pen and the sword, in accord". Most of us can only speculate on what the REAL battle is here. IMO, Dr. M. understands the battle and his opponents. He does not have the resources to engage in skirmishes that are of no consequence. IMO, it will not be long now.