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09/14/17 12:04 AM

#10902 RE: SkinnyD #10901

Ameritrade sucks, not because three day rule, but because sometimes they don't allow you to trade certain stocks, and if you trade OTC, you need eturd ooops E*TRADE.

Joe Crab

09/14/17 12:26 AM

#10908 RE: SkinnyD #10901

Interesting day. IMO based on my previous posts here tonight I think WC needs to put out an immediate PR due to the fact that shares have now officially been traded In response to the 8-K posted under their official control of the SOUPQ symbol. Close to 1 mil in trades have taken place since Friday, and if this has been done under false pretense, perceived or intentional, then the consequences should be enforced. If you allow Friday the 8th of September as a free day because of closing, then this stock has officially traded for 3 days under WC control with many traders believing that the new company is tradeable and worthy of purchasing on the OTC.