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09/12/17 2:29 PM

#118840 RE: The Swede #118838

The Swede Perhaps you should e-mail this post directly to Solomon or through Erik? It is hard to understand that the float on the otc is so low.


09/12/17 2:53 PM

#118843 RE: The Swede #118838

Thanks, Swede.

The 1 620 987 assumes that NONE of the shares held in Avanza&Nordnet are on the OTC, which I know to be false ;-)

Let's put this in perspective;
Shares traded on OTC in August = 1 093 035 (with a peak of 162 623 and average of 49 683).

Shares traded on OTC in September (including 11.09) = 244 927 (with a peak of 102 174 and an average of 40 821).

We also had 2 395 030 shares traded in July (with a peak of 266 481 and average of 119 752).

Assuming that all trades on OTC are counted twice, then we have a turn-over of 115% since July 1st... Yes, it sounds fishy. Does anyone have any comparison to shares traded on main boards?

The good news is that if none of the collateral shares are sold in the market, then we can do a long attack :-) Some 20% of the shares are held in Avanza&Nordnet (January 1st), so if we assume that 15% of the shares are on OTC then the free float is (max) 1.35 million. We have then not accounted for Hyperboy's group, emptyone etc, so we're easy sub 1 million shares. If Nordnet&Avanza users were to buy 25% more shares then we would drain all the shares on OTC! lol

hmm I think hyperboy said that they fell between the number of shares held by Avanza&Nordnet? I.e close to 10%? That can't be, we don't have enough shares on OTC for that...


09/12/17 4:34 PM

#118851 RE: The Swede #118838

Collateral was 6.02 not 6.2.


09/20/17 11:57 AM

#119300 RE: The Swede #118838

The Swede; are you still getting mails from shareholders?

I've contacted D'Alessandro and he confirms that none of the 2+million shares have been sold. No reply from Peter though, so I think I should remind him and see if he's looking into this.


09/20/17 12:06 PM

#119301 RE: The Swede #118838

Great. I was looking for this post yesterday.

Swede, how can you be sure that the 1,181,934 Rochdale shares are not collateral shares?

Says here, no dispositive power, which basically means Rochdale can't sell the shares. And that... seems to suggest that these are collateral shares.