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09/12/17 7:58 AM

#409 RE: agamemnus #408

It is never a smart strategy for a small biotech to market their own products, the upfront losses are staggering.

This deal is so bad it is trading under cash. They say MS shopped this to 90 companies and this was the best they could do.

Will be interesting to read the full disclosure by MS because they could also be liable in lawsuits.

IF Soli is as easy to approve as you say it is they should cut staff to bare minimum and spend the 70 mil. If it is a success it will be a blockbuster and large pharma will swallow them up.

The cash, tax loss, patents, Japan trials, and all the 600 mil in RD and data are currently worth less than the net cash on hand...


09/12/17 1:08 PM

#410 RE: agamemnus #408

Here comes the lawsuits... It begins.

Not to many positive mergers result in a negative 25% market cap.