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09/09/17 12:14 PM

#119236 RE: sumbuysumsell #119232

SUM...I like your thought Re": Australia

sooner the better


09/09/17 2:16 PM

#119252 RE: sumbuysumsell #119232

sumbuy...that would be some news! I've been questioning why we haven't received AA from Australia if the results are so profound to date. I hope you are right.


09/09/17 6:06 PM

#119281 RE: sumbuysumsell #119232

Sum, it is good to hear from you.

You are reading the tea leaves like some others on the board. This month, all participants in the trial will have celebrated a second anniversary in the 2-73 testing; some have been in for 33 months. Anavex has info/data of at least 9 months on everyone in the new trial with new baselines and 21 months overall.

As to Klamer's talk at CNS conference, I recall the first news of his talk had Alzheimer's along with Rett and PD as the diseases he would discuss. Then, MS was added and Alzheimer's was removed. I thought there a reason for the removal, possibly that he could not touch the subject without revealing something that is material, like "... Anavex have a deal with the Aussie government to be announced later this month" or he would have to lie, which one never wants to do. Therefore, Alzheimer's was removed as a discussion topic to avoid that pitfall.

I think you are on to something, Sum, and maybe Dr. M is in Australia, not Boston. Boston comes later on the MTA's birth date, September 28th, I believe.