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09/08/17 10:23 PM


You make an excellent point!

I mean, it took me a while to get a basic understanding what they do, and what their platform looks like, etc. I had to read and watch videos. In my opinion, they still need to work on being SUCCINCT and EFFECTIVE with explaining their product and services. And to be honest, I STILL don't understand it.

Just imagine them walking into Shark Tank with a pitch - I can imagine them getting bored and confused with all the different explanations, variety of products, etc. It's not an easy thing to grasp, in my opinion.

Regardless of my skepticism, I am going all in with this company. Just trying to analyze all angles. I'm still very very new with researching this company.

I wonder how big CRM companies like Salesforce were able to spread so wide. My company uses it, but we ALL hate using it. It's more a matter of laziness I suppose. I know of another 300-person company where employees are required to use it, but everyone hates it too (that I know of). Is it going to be more difficult to convince others to learn a new tool that has more cool stuff? Or would it be too annoying for them to learn and thus switch over? Just food for thought.


09/08/17 10:43 PM


They can also see the same thing we do everyday, that for now this stock has been sold off on low volume (stupid PUMA and CDEL) due to a low float and lack of investors wanting to buy at the ask. When this stops investors will buy until then we will all continue to hold the line at .10