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09/07/17 9:49 AM

#2592 RE: macerimmer #2591

Sorry chief but they have the big time lawyers, initial BK judge couldn't have cared less, and you and I are on a message board.

Did you go out and consult a corporate BK attorney? What advice did they give you?

I did and he told me he would be willing take my money...upwards of $100K and that I stood next to zero chance in the courts of doing anything to benefit my cause. Top notch attorney in a major metro area at $450 hour with a minimum of $125 per hour for his grunt staff.

So don't tell me what my true motives are. At one end of the spectrum we have $0 per share for the common and at the other end of the spectrum we have $40 per share for the common. I am coming in on the lower end but with far more sunshine than $0. Somehow you think you are entitled to every bit of the windfall and forget that the old bondholders are the new Fibertower and are due something regardless of what you think of them. Now they may get it as bondholders or they may get it as shareholders. Then you also have the unsecured creditors and the FCC or the Public Treasury.

I am not insinuating that you are stupid or greedy. I am insinuating that you are not based in reality and fail to see the chess board and all it's moving pieces. When you say you are willing to burn the whole house down rather then end up with something then you have let your emotions get in the way of rational thought. I have laid out my argument through facts and timelines and all I see from you is fervent emotion.