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09/02/17 12:11 PM

#103159 RE: G-OiL-D #103157

confirmed, price just went up again. $0.30 a share to shut us up!

(relax, new running joke on this board)

(auctioneer) I got $0.30, can we get $0.35?


09/02/17 4:18 PM

#103169 RE: G-OiL-D #103157

Spot on G.

Meanwhile this entire time there has been no filing with FL SOS to indicate anything of the sort with the sale of those preferred shares ever took place.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this whole SF saga has been nothing but a front to cover up some shady activity about to take place. If we thought we were being deceived up to this point, then I think we may be in for a lot more than we bargained for.

That follow-up letter to fins was just a pile of BS to cover up their tracks for literally lying the entire 8 months.

b]And, that pile of crap about distributers cancelling due to higher costs was the only way to cover up how $2 Million in contracts disappeared, and if you haven't noticed it worked like a charm!

I highly doubt those contracts even existed.

Did anyone wonder why E.G. prices went from $99 for months then to $120 and right before fins were released they jacked it up to $150?

Meanwhile Production started in

The price switcheroo was nothing more than window dressing to sell that letter to unwitting investors looking for confirmation, but you're right, they're getting mighty sloppy when they didn't bother to stop and think how would that excuse even fly when there's still to this day retailers selling it for $50? So, essentially we're still selling units below cost? Heck, by that logic we're paying retailers a few bucks on top to take it off our hands lol.

Sure, I believe it... concomitantly along with that story about that neat little company that managed to buy all those preferred shares before it even existed -- of which there's no record of!

SF revelation just confirms the dog and pony show, and I expect deep shades of lipstick being applied to this pig in the near future to cover up even more shade.

As they say... If something stinks, then there's something rotten in the state of Denmark.