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08/31/17 3:17 PM

#113323 RE: Whalatane #113319

Duly impressed by your intellectual honesty
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08/31/17 5:53 PM

#113345 RE: Whalatane #113319


Ralphey ...yes Amarin confirmed your view in the complaint

Are you sarcastic with him? If not, you are flat out wrong.

Study conducted in late 2015 indicates that physicians are more than three times more likely (28 percent to 8 percent) to recommend ...

Again ...

Meanwhile we do not know the details of the study, but the context suggest a different thing than you think (DS instead of V) ... it is DS vs V. I will do my best and try to as simple as possible:

We do not know what was the exact question, but more likely it was something like: "How do you treating patients with elevated triglycerides?" (and not "Do you treating patients with elevated triglycerides with DS or V?")

Why do I interpret the quote this way? Simple ... it is the logical ... as:
- not likely that 28% recommend DS instead of V and 8% recommend V instead of V ...
- 28% + 8% is 36% ... where is the other 64%

More likely ...
Q: "How do you treating patients with elevated triglycerides?"
A1: DS (26%)
A2: V (8%)
A3: L / gL or mothing (64%)

Is it help to understand ...?

Earlier on in the complaint they note that something like half the high and very high TG patients are on DS alternatives rather then Vascepa ...presumably because their insurance co declined coverage or demanded a high co pay

Really???? I am 100%+ sure that it is not due to insurance co declined coverage or demanded a high co pay of V. Your interpretation is way-off.
How do I know? Why I am sure? Simple ... it is the logical ... as:
- V was launched in early 2013
- the research was done "in 2012, Amarin commissioned Hall & Partners"

The DS alternative providers have FDA approval for what they make ...Dietary supplements

Really???? Could you cite please a date of approval of any DS?

I read the Complaint only once, but my first impression Amarin is full with genius I would like to give them extra bonus and additional 30M RSUs immediately. Detailed analysis of the case will come later (but not today) ... additional DD and research are required for it.

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09/01/17 2:22 PM

#113438 RE: Whalatane #113319

I see HDG already did a good job of pointing out the flaws in your statements, but I'll try to clarify one point further - I agree that the question doctors were asked was likely "how do you treat patients with high TGs?", and because 28 percent recommended “Omega-3 Fish Oil Dietary Supplements”, while 8 percent said with V, the other 64% likely replied "with fenofibrates or niacin or Lovaza" - and there's little difference between DS fish oil and Lovaza except for FDA approval and quality control, so it's not a stretch for a doc to rec DS fish oil over a costlier Rx in L/GL. My PCP never once suggested I switch from DS fish oil to L to lower my TGs years back when I refused to continue the fibrate/niacin regimen that made me feel like crap - I said "I'm going to try fish oil and garlic instead", and actually had better results w/o side effects, although I now know I wasn't taking enough fish oil to get EPA benefits (or the DHA runs).

Also consider this was done two years ago, and the knowledge of EPA and V has expanded by leaps and bounds since then. Throw in the fact that the FDA has proclaimed elevated TGs are not a risk factor for CVD risk - I'd be curious to know the results if this poll were repeated today.