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08/24/17 4:13 PM

#112858 RE: ralphey #112857

On the contrary...enough EPA studies out there published, that show CVE lowering benefit statistically. All you have to do is open your eyes and read.


08/24/17 4:20 PM

#112861 RE: ralphey #112857

My evidence? I don't need any, because 1) I am not claiming to be a Doctor and 2) I never claimed that it works.

You, on the other hand claim to be a doctor and claim that it does not work. So you need to provide evidence of such.

So are you now changing your story about the 25% TG reduction? After all, you did just say it one or two days ago.

But most shockingly, as a 'Doctor' why are you only focusing on TG? You have made 20 posts or so, and haven't mentioned a single thing about reducing any other biomarker- are they not important?


08/24/17 4:54 PM

#112864 RE: ralphey #112857

Ralphey- Have you accounted for other meds that could raise Trigs and an increase in ETOH use?


08/24/17 5:43 PM

#112867 RE: ralphey #112857

I believe the comment was Shaking in my boots. Oh please no the all knowing ralphey is going to go to the FDA. Go head and they will laugh your pet rock mentality right out of there. Much like what is happening here.


08/24/17 6:23 PM

#112868 RE: ralphey #112857


I am an MD...recently retired, a former clinician...I for one would not bet all my money that you are not an MD. And frankly I do not care whether you are or are not. There was a time earlier when there were posters on the Y board that doubted I was a physician...and some quite certain I wasn't...

I just don't buy your arguments and some of the things you say do not make a lot of sense (all this does not mean you are not an MD)..

For you and others on the board...I do not consider V a "trig drug"..There are a number of other meds that are more effective at lowering trigs..although the others do raise the LDL-C levels. The whole trig question ended up a wash in the great AdCom ambush..and the trig question is still a controversy...One of the biggest controversies surrounding trigs is whether we should be measuring fasting levels or postprandial levels. The point being is the resting trig levels may not be as important as what your trigs spike to after meals...

I also (as a clinician) find it difficult to imagine continuing to prescribe a medication that seemingly had no benefit to 300 patients...and personally have had no problems with the insurance companies... A friend of mine who is a local PCP down here in Florida recently continued my Vascepa script for one year...I have never been to his office...have not had a lipid panel in the past ten years...My co pay is $70/month...Am on medicare and can not use the coupons...

The promise of Vascepa is not in lowering trigs...It is in lowering systemic inflammation...This is of much greater inflammation is the driving force behind every degenerative disease and one of the pillars of aging itself...

":>) JL


08/25/17 8:30 PM

#112903 RE: ralphey #112857

Ralph....Can you answer my question please?


08/25/17 8:52 PM

#112904 RE: ralphey #112857

You are noting subtle your patients that are on Vascepa? Pray tell, what exactly are they? How are they subtle? TIA.