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08/23/17 4:06 PM

#112766 RE: kvenne #112763

Sorry .... he was fasting .... like I said there are many many reasons this could happen and its just one case - and one case does not a science make ... but the problem is, its not the first time I have seen this ... I have seen it multiple times ... now do I have the time and resources to do an extended scientific study on this ...hardly ( if that is what is required to advance science than I am afraid most observations would be relegated to the useless pile and we would have stagnated in out advancement of such )... none the less that does not make the observation false - the observation is what it is - but - what amazes me is that people who believe they are scientific become so upset when someone makes an observation that does not fit their hopes ... they would much prefer if we all kept saying 'yes the KING IS wearing clothes' - maybe he is maybe he isnt all I am saying is from what I can see ....the clothes are falling off ......

keep getting upset at the canary that is dying and dont pay attention - why its the canaries fault! - get MAD at THAT canary - he should have never died !

(for those of you who dont know - the canary was what miners carried into the mines to alert them of dangerous gas - when the canary dies its a warning system to get out

the king is a fable about a king who wore no clothes but everyone was afraid to say so and they all kept saying he had clothes on when he didnt - I guess they dont teach these moral fables and stories anymore ...too bad )