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08/23/17 9:41 AM

#104050 RE: Rufus38 #104046

Here is Tom: Tom Cellucci Video Rutgers School of Business - Camden, Commencement Keynote speaker - 2011.
A little dated (He has accomplished a lot since 2011) but this gives a solid example of the kind of man that Tom Cellucci is.
Talks quite a bit about his life experience, his life lessons and what he was in charge of at the time the video was filmed (when he was working for the Department Of Homeland Security). A very inspiring man to say the least.

It took the announcer a full minute to give a very condensed list of toms accomplishments during his introduction. Be sure to watch the entire video, really good content here!

This is one quality human being and he is YOUR CEO.


08/23/17 10:00 AM

#104062 RE: Rufus38 #104046

The only thing that is certain when it comes to money, is that $hit WILL get taxed...other than that, dont get your hopes too high, look at everything objectively, and dont bring emotion into this. Tom is human like the rest of us. I see a lot of people putting him up there like he is our one and only money savior...I trust no one man without a careful and watchful eye. Mistakes can and will be made...