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08/23/17 10:09 AM

#104064 RE: fyreguy808 #104062

Tell you what...when Maradona had the ball he for sure knew he could dribble the opponent in front of him. No question about that.
So, just saying, there are times when one is just more skillful than the others and there is not a darn thing you can do about that!
So if Cellucci knows better he finds the way.

The only thing that is certain when it comes to money, is that $hit WILL get taxed...other than that, dont get your hopes too high, look at everything objectively, and dont bring emotion into this. Tom is human like the rest of us. I see a lot of people putting him up there like he is our one and only money savior...I trust no one man without a careful and watchful eye. Mistakes can and will be made...