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08/22/17 8:01 AM

#5281 RE: The Lost Trader #5264

MedicineNet:"Double-blinded studies are used when initial studies shows particular promise." -

Voclosporin's phase 2 trial has shown particular promise (amazingly good results). That's why its phase 3 trial is double-blinded. Aurinia has very bright future. Patience is the key to the big success of an AUPH true long's investment. A few true longs such as Jesspro, vidpok45, zzaatt, ariadinvestor and TC might own more ARIA shares than me. We had patience and they made millions on ARIA. We will make more on AUPH.

The FDA likes double blind with no peeking along the way. Shows confidence to them. Just needs to perform now and pull through the quality P3 trial. They will in my opinion. -


08/22/17 8:01 AM

#5282 RE: The Lost Trader #5264

Peter Lynch: "If you like a stock at $14 and it goes to $8, that's good if you understand the company. Take advantage of these declines. If you own good companies, you'll do well. It's always going to be scary, there's going to be always something to worry about, and you just have to forget about all of that. Know what you own and know why you own it." Isn't Aurinia a good company given it has many +'s & its revenue is conservatively estimated to be $4B by 2022? -

I don't sell. I add more when it pulls back. I don't buy on margin. I don't set stop loss. What can the manipulators/shorts or their employees do to my AUPH shares and my money? Ah? AUPH has very bright future. Patience is the key. I believe AUPH will be my next ARIA. I buy and hold AUPH the way I bought and held ARIA. I'm planning to add more AUPH shares now that the Glickman-Cramer interview has offered a new opportunity. I always picked/pick up the gold bags of ARIA/AUPH shares whenever the price was/is right to me. I like cheapened gold bags. -


08/22/17 12:06 PM

#5287 RE: The Lost Trader #5264

I would have preferred a few data peeking check points along the way...which could've shortened time to market, but instead we wait again...just like aria...