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Replies to #71097 on Just Politics


08/19/17 6:57 PM

#71119 RE: janice shell #71097

As long as he sticks to his word, I'm good with that.

Health Care

Sen. Flake believes that every individual, including those with pre-existing conditions, should have access to affordable health care. To make that policy goal a reality, he supports a free-market approach that will lower costs, encourage innovation, and empower individuals to make their own health care decisions.

Sen. Flake is particularly attuned to the financial challenges facing Arizonans as they search for affordable health insurance on the exchanges. After investigating the average costs of Obamacare policies across the state, Sen. Flake revealed that in all 15 of Arizona’s counties, the average family of four pays more for their monthly premiums than they do on their mortgage.

To help ease the burden of these expensive premiums, Sen. Flake has been a leading voice in Congress for the expansion of health savings accounts (HSAs). His HSA Expansion Act would triple arbitrarily low contribution limits and remove onerous usage restrictions. These commonsense reforms would provide for more universal participation in HSAs, while also strengthening their effectiveness as a tool to combat the rising costs of health care.

Arizona has been ground zero for the structural failures that are plaguing insurance markets around the country. To finally bring relief to a nation struggling under the weight of a broken health care bureaucracy, Sen. Flake cast his first vote of the 115th Congress to begin the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare with something that actually works.

Sen. Flake knows that the key to meaningful reform is not more government intervention. It is allowing the market to control costs and improve quality through greater transparency, choice, and competition.

Competition is particularly important, as was evidenced by the lack of insurance providers willing to participate in Arizona’s exchanges during the most recent open enrollment. Sen. Flake understands that we can’t ensure affordable access to care for everyone unless insurance companies are forced to compete against each other for a consumer’s business. That is the only way to drive down costs.

As the reform effort progresses, Sen. Flake will work to preserve parts of the law that people like, such as preventing insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, and allowing adult children to remain on their parents’ health insurance policies until age 26. He will also work on important changes, including allowing the sale of health insurance across state lines, expanding HSAs, and instituting medical liability limits.