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Sherlock 4

08/17/17 7:42 AM

#34096 RE: The Godfather55 #34094

I like this board. The way people spin half truth and make it look like it's truth. At first no product, then when product is there it's an Amazon pump. Amazon is not selling anything we should open those half truth posts and show it. Now yes Amazon is selling but it still doesn't matter.
Now another half truth or no truth. All products are sold out to bng fr 2000$.
Now this is getting really really REALLY funny. They don't remember what they say few days back. Few days back they said oh the product is going to be pulled off Amazon since it's going to 6 months due expired. If that's the case then bng is a distribute to purchase all noho shots???

Now comes more funny part. Bng is selling them and taking away most of products which is again another half truth.

I ask only one thing and that is pic as proofs fr all the claims being made above.
Do they have any pic as proof which days all product is sold out to bng

Do they have any proof like a pic showing how much bng takes a cut

Do they have any pic or proof showing Amazon sales numbers everyday .

If they don't have any proof that means it's all fake stories and WISHFUL THINKING


08/17/17 4:07 PM

#34104 RE: The Godfather55 #34094

The FDA states very clearly that a Hangover is a disease and companies aren't allowed to make claims of curing or preventing a hangover.

“FDA continues to believe that alcohol intoxication, like arll pojsonings (mushroom,
digitalis, or any drug overdose), meets the definition of disease, albeit a transient

"In our previous letter, we stated that the claim “[B]everages that helps cure and prevent
hangovers.. . ” was a claim that did not meet the requirements of 21 U.S.C. 343(r)(6)"