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08/15/17 3:08 AM

#47557 RE: MD-420 #47555

The higher AMFE goes at this slow and steady churn, the better and smoother the transition from past shareholders to new shareholders it will go.

As gains pile up, I'm sure some investors will take out their principal and let the rest ride free, which I'm sure I'll do at some point...just not at current levels with company growth at an all time rapid pace.

As gains pile up, it becomes easier to hold through the occasional dips. I have over $225,000 in unrealized gains. So, it's much easier to swallow a negative swing of $15K - $30K knowing I still have sizable gains. And seeing that any lost gains, are quickly replenished, keeps me holding through and through.

I suspect there are other investors with equally large positions that feel the same way, and are experienced enough in their own right, to understand everything I've just stated and hold long.

My average (cost basis) is in the .05's. I'm sure as the price continues to climb, I'll see days where my original investment is doubled. Example being, if AMFE trades at a dollar, a 5% move is five cents, which is darn near close to my cost basis in the .05's. Or if we see a 10% move when the price is .50, that's also a five cent move.

I've tried spelling this out in different ways for all investors to comprehend, and to remind others why it's good to continue holding. Hopefully it shows and comes through.

Bottom line, much of what will keep experienced investors holding, is if the company continues executing on their stated plans. If so, their growth will continue justifying higher and higher price levels.

Anyone who has doubts, as I stated earlier in this message, can always take their cost basis (principal investment), plus a little profit out, and let the rest ride free. That way they guarantee themselves a win no matter what happens.

I have yet to do that, in large part because I haven't found reason to do so.
