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08/12/17 10:02 AM

#86930 RE: cableguy #86929

Is this #3,4,5, or 6

I've filled out my resignations and the BOD resolutions for the new CEO


08/12/17 11:02 AM

#86931 RE: cableguy #86929

Eddie resigning AGAIN? Bawhahhahahaaaaaaa!!! Oh please Eddie,this same ole' shitck is getting OLD. Oh boy..almost sounds like the same LOOTER resume' where this new FAKE CEO also worked in "upper management". BS.........

Ready for the LYING CON JOB BS PR on FarceCrook?? Here's a sample of the BS coming soon to a FRAUD near you:

1. Eddie has resigned from Sutimco,we wish him the best of luck in the future.

2. LIES about BIG business plans and acquistions of Companies--of course with NO MONEY to do so.

3. BIG SHARE BUYBACK program to buy back shares and lower that OS to mere hundreds of millions--again with NO MONEY to do so.

4. The new CEO works for FREE and will receive NO shares for 6-12 months.

Feel free to add in your favorites......


08/12/17 11:44 AM

#86932 RE: cableguy #86929

Oh NO! William will have to be trained for eight months like Joshua J was trained. William has no experience in public companies so he will take a long long time to train and then who knows, William might find out what a sham company this is and will want to dodge the death threats and other threats that this company has inspired shareholders to make against management.
People already hate Edwad Vakser for taking all their money, it's going to be rough for Sweet William to handle the pressure. All Willy knows is retail where the customer is always right, it will take an act of devilry to get William to stoop to the lowdown levels of Team Vakser who is ALWAYS pulling the strings here no matter who is placed by Edwad in a pseudo-position of management.
This is not good news for investors.
This is more BS fluff designed to dump more shares on anyone foolish enough to believe anything Vakser says.
Vakser is puilling the same dirty tricks he always pulls when he collects money from the clueless...


08/12/17 11:58 AM

#86933 RE: cableguy #86929

First of all, this is unscheduled and a little premature,

Geez Edwad, please show us one update that is not unscheduled and a little premature...
Anyone who has been around for a while knows all company announcements are totally meaningless premature propaganda designed to sell worthless shares.
What makes you think William Unknown will finish eight months of training like Joshua Junknown did and then not STEP DOWN to avoid all the death threats that come with being associated with this POS company?
Investors are being played once again with bogus new management hires like they have been played all this year.
SUTI is still LOCKED OUT OF the OTC account, still DARK or DEFUNCT!!!
You ain't pulling nobody's leg with this BS PREMATURE announcement spew.
People know Vakser will tell ANY LIE just to sell a share.
This William must be an absolute fool to be hanging around here, or used to being in criminal organization...
Does William Unknown have a criminal record.
Don't try to play William like you did Looter and Jorge.