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08/12/17 12:55 AM

#5198 RE: Easymoneyman00 #5192

That level of aggressive response really is unwarranted. I am just sharing information.

I really don't care if you believe me or not. I am just reporting what my experience has been. As a separate data point, BR reported that he could get 40% for lending SNAP shares at Fidelity. Most of the time rates paid are lower, but it is not uncommon to see periods where Schwab is paying 40-50% to borrow certain stocks. I have loaned out several securities at those rates over the last 6 months. That is at the high end, but it is common to see rates of 10-20% sustained over fairly long periods - in fact common enough that I generally don't bite for just 7%.

Whether you check it out with your broker or not is up to you. It does not impact my returns either way. It could, however, impact yours.

Check it out with your broker.


08/13/17 2:16 PM

#5206 RE: Easymoneyman00 #5192

All us principaled investors agree with your questioning. Agree with you as well Wilco. Lending out our shares for shorts/hedges to access (for just simply squeezing out that extra almighty buck, at whatever the consequence) almost feels like "evil" greed. It's those kinds of unprincipled actions that helped create the 2008 financial crisis, IMHO.
If individuals acted this way in real life, they would stand out like a sore thumb. Of course this line of thinking doesn't care, what principaled traders, market forces or individual investors feel... It's all about pure greed, at any cost. I choose not to sell my soul for these darker purposes, and am happier to be less rich because of it.