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08/07/17 8:06 PM

#114344 RE: nidan7500 #114339

Are Anavex Pipeline Drugs Revolutionary?

No other set of therapeutic molecules has the potential to so radically transform 21st-century medicine.

First, all that I lay out below is informed conjecture, not a prophecy or prediction; merely some things to ponder (but DON’T buy any AVXL shares on the basis of these speculations).

There are reasons each or all of these could prove true. But this is not an invitation for criticism of each of these points. Merely some things to watch develop, should that actually happen at any future time.

1. Anavex 2-73 gets FDA approval to effectively treat Alzheimer’s. In practice, the new drug holds symptoms either at baseline (the level at the start), or in time and proper, adjusted doses, reverses cognition decline. It profoundly solves the social and economic problems of proliferating Alzheimer's Disease, globally.

2. Anavex 2-73 proves to be an extremely effective Alzheimer’s prophylactic, with physicians commonly prescribing the drug to middle-aged patients exhibiting the first behavioral or bio markers for Alzheimer’s, thereby preventing the onset of the disease.

3. Similar applications and results apply to Parkinson’s Disease, Amytrophic Lateral Scerlosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and a few other neurological diseases, all of which have a root cause of mitochondrial dysfunction.

4. Rett Syndrome severity is markedly suppressed, with treated little girls with the genetic disorder allowed to live near-normal lives.

5. Several psychiatric diseases become treatable and prevented by Anavex molecules.

6. Likewise for a number of cancers.

7. An Anavex molecule proves to be a remarkably safe and effective soporific, solving a giant medical problem, with profound medical and financial implications in the workplace, etc. Sleep deficits no longer harm daily living or workplace performance.

Imaginary? Check the drugs in the Anavex pipeline:

If Anavex gains approval for any one of these debilities, the company is a profound success. Anavex is an entirely new, different, and very promising consideration, with an utterly new, unique mechanism of action within cells and tissues. Anavex molecules do things inside cells no other drug can. Anavex molecules have the potential to safely restore cell functions (“homeostasis”).

Those who base their perspectives on straight chance, stochastics, and probabilities would properly claim the chances for success of more than even one of these outcomes is minimal and distant. But the success of a pharmaceutical preparation is not determined by chance; it is by actual chemical function within cells, organs, and organ systems. Check it out. The Anavex molecules really are new and different from any drug today. The prospect of their changing medicine in the 21st-century more than antibiotics did in the last is not, by any means, remote.