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Once again

08/03/17 5:25 PM

#123979 RE: Watts Watt #123978

I said that I was going to chat with you in 6 months from less than a month ago.I am not going to agree or disagree with you.This in NOT the Lmqt of the past.To be continued.


08/03/17 5:36 PM

#123982 RE: Watts Watt #123978

Li vs Steipp Mr.WW. Not a fair comparison in my opinion. Did Steipp ever put up $64,000,000? Did Steipp and the others voted themselves lucrative options to buy shares of the stock? Tlsmd.


08/03/17 7:15 PM

#123992 RE: Watts Watt #123978

Buying opportunities still exist. TRUST ME.

I imagine everyone is waiting for me to say something about the Chinese scam.

1) Barney Visser will make out like a bandit with his 18 cent options with dilution protection.
2) the PPS can't even hold the ASPIRE ten cent level...pathetic
3) I am going to vote my million shares AGAINST this proposal
4) The OTIS PR is false: Dong Guan Eontec has principally been involved with magnesium alloys...except for the Turing rumors, prior to this they have never advertised on their website any involvement with amorphous metals
5) What happened to "BRING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA"
6) What idiot thinks Liquidmetal will ever get any defense contracts MADE IN CHINA?

Folks...I think this "scam" SUCKS.