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07/27/17 1:02 AM

#23852 RE: ShortonCash #23845

Thats funny, the "Battery Patent" you are referring to is the Buzzbar not the Powerchip battery.

The patent refers to the methods of charging and not the makeup of the battery. No powerchip winner here.

As Per the "Terra Factory " you are aware that a Chip Foundry produces Semi-conductor wafers which theoretically are a part of the powerchip battery, however those chip foundries do not have the manufacturing capability for the rest of the battery.

For that you have to go to a Battery Manufacturing plant.

The wafers can be sourced from many places, many different fabs.

You are missing a critical piece with your dot connecting...where does this battery get put together ? where does it get tested ?




07/27/17 1:25 AM

#23854 RE: ShortonCash #23845

All these corps(es), semis, autos, socials, heck-financials, all face the same thing...Racing to the bottom.
Interest rates can never really come back. Excess access to capital (production) = no command over interest rates.

Their top priority is dividends over human capital - at all costs. Capitalism has reached the end of the envelope. The cycle of evil alternating with virtue is obviously wobbling.

If you negate the global warming argument, the modern energy picture comes down to a scenario much like that during the previous turn of the century when whale oil battled with kerosene only to be overtaken by crude oil. It's a long tug of war.

Staggering advancements fill the space and time from then until now.
Again, characteristically Capitalism.

The Federal Reserve, OPEC, IMF etc... Money is about to change.
Third world hook of insupportable debt will someday end and Gross National Happiness will replace GNP. Humans over Capital (or genocide) - If we don't do it, somebody else will (make a better world).

Of particular interest is the Semiconductor infrastructure. A prominent financial mentor of mine once told me to "keep your eyes on the pix and shovels of the economy - they always find the way".

Moore's law ended at least 1 year ago yet the SOX(L) etc have rallied greatly. I guess robots are the reason. What's next?

Rambling on here... Civilization approaches a paradigm shift controlled only by the PTB (Powers that be).

ISIS can survive only if oil remains king. Oil exists everywhere.
De-funding them will occur overnight via MASS PRODUCTION OF ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE. The only such capacity lies in massive amounts of worldwide mothballed 2nd & 3rd (4th?) Generation old dormant microprocessors around the world. THINK MANHATTAN PROJECT-REPURPOSE.

So late, so much more to prattle on about...NEAH ain't alone!

We even have BUZZ..